Love crafts? Like to crochet? Choose from our extensive collection of patterns and kits,
or suggest a pattern you'd like to see featured. This is YOUR site. Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Ready-made
gift items are available in the gift shop, and there are links to yarn suppliers on each page. In addition, there
will be one free pattern each month for you to download and print, so even if you don't buy anything, your visit won't be
a total waste.
Snuggle Project
Be a hero to a homeless cat or dog. Knit, crochet, or quilt a "security blanket"
for a shelter animal. It's fast, easy, and cheap!

A ring for needlearts stores & designers

Tall tale of a small cat.
Featured in the May 2005 issue of Cats & Kittens Magazine
Get your autographed copy direct from the author and SAVE!

A different short story every week, plus jokes, quizzes, and a silly cat contest.
Customer comments
"Everyone loves my new Ruffles hat! I get compliments wherever I go!" Linda J.